Artwork for First 4 Figures

Great company that specializes in top quality Poly-stone statues. During this collaboration over the past few years I have been engaged in most creative and inspiring work. Some of the titles are for: Sega, Nintendo, Bandai Namco, Capcom etc...

Artwork for Gaming Heads

One of my first companies that I have worked for, as a freelancer. I have learned a lot about the industry, packaging process, design and communication from them. Licences come from companies like: Valve, Bethesda, Square Enix, Santa Monica Studio, etc...

Artwork Design for Unbox Industries

For Unbox Industries a have done some product design and a website many years ago. Unbox industries are a global collective of creative types, engineers & manufacturing wizards that love sharing the fun of character & toy production as we journey together towards your goals & ambitions.


Click on image to enlarge


This was a fun project. Each robot is made out of the cardboard pieces and the user has all the liberty to combine any of the pieces to make his own version of a robot. My job on this project was the visual concept and texturing of this toys.


Click on image to enlarge


Unfortunately I don't have much to show in this section, due to the loss of data on my computer. Here you can see a re-design of Unbox Industries web site and some images they used for various promotional purposes.

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